Sunday, September 24, 2006

I have been accused of neglecting my blog. I suposse it is true. Well, here is life as best as I can in words. I begin classes at the U on Wednesday, tomorrow I have the big job ahead of me of filling out my FAFSA and going down to Shmitz to talk to someone in the financial section to figure out student loans. yep. Next year I want to get more aware of scholarship opportunities. I also need to buy my books, ugh. Oh, my schedule. Well, as of now I am taking Composition- Literature, Algebra w/ Applications (business math i think?), and Introduction to Theater, as well as a community life class (for 2 genereal ed. credits). I might drop all of those but the math and pic up two other english classes if I can get in (right now they are full), because they are required to declare my major in english. I am still debating if I want to do that anyways yet, I might wait till next quarter and hopefully they will be offered. Also, next quarter I want to start taking Italian. You are required to take a foreign language for a year at the U. Youc an test out of it and Latin is considered as a foreign language so I could take it, or try to study up and test out of it. I might do that, but I doubt it because I haven't taken it for 2 years already, by then it will be nearing 3 years! We'll see though. Plus, I really would like to take Italian...but I guess if I could save myself the time and money it would be worth testing out of, or atleast taking a shot at it. By the way, I found out the book we went through in high school is a college course for Latin, Patrick Henry University actually uses that very one. Hehe, glad they told me now. In high school they told us how the Michigan classical school does it in 8th grade- boy did I feel dumb. :)

What else? Oh, I started taking SLT (Strategic Life Training). I am excited. We had the Intensive last week, and that was A LOT of teaching! It shouldn't be too time consuming, and I really like having that pouring into me with all of the other things that will be poured into me at the U. I'm sure some continual biblical thought and reminders that I need to love people will be good for me. :)

It sure has been crazy jumping right out of MCS and into a completely new life..nothing like high school. I'm still trying to find a good afternoon job, I had a couple interviews but it was pretty much impossible until I knew what my class schedule would look like, which wasn't until the 20th!
Guess what else. I am going to start taking the bus to commute to the U. Last week driving back and forth for 3 days was all I needed to convince me. But I am still pretty freaked out, I have taken a bus like once before..and NEVER alone! I am totally freaked out that i will fall asleep (because I can really easily) on my way in early one morning and wake up in like Issaquah! LOL> YIKES!

Well, there is a quick, or not so quick, glance into life right now. I love you all alot! ALOT, ALOT! You can all be praying for me to find the perfect part time job, and for me to find my books, and my classrooms, lol. I am super nervous for school. 300 is about 290 more students than I am used to sharing a class with! I know its all in God's hands, and I am doing my best to just be at peace, and rest in Him. I am definitely in a very exciting, and stretching time right now. I am so grateful for you in my life and the blessing that you are to me! Love you! (pray for me, please!) Love you, kati


Anonymous said...

You will do great Kati Lady. You are very intelligent and hard working and everything will work out just fine. Getting a little part time job shouldn't be a problem at all little one. I am very proud of you and if you need help with books and/or your FAFSA let me know. I really need to fill mine out as well. We could do it together and make a night out of it.

Unknown said... sweet, the little sisters doing college stuff together. Even though you live at home and see everyone, please do keep posting updates on your blog -it helps me feel more connected to what's going on. Plus, with my bad memory, then I can refer back to remember what classes your taking and such. I look forward to hearing more about school from the both of you. Love you tons, Kim