Tuesday, September 30, 2008

So, my sister tagged me for a meme - I'm not even going to pretend I know what this is.
(I should let you all know that my sister has become a serious blogadict. Jason teased me last summer, calling me a "blogadict" because every day (at least once) I was blogging, and taking pictures, for the blog. In MC's he'd tell me "put that on your little sheet", referring to our half hour time incremented sheets :) Last summer, it became "put that on your blog"- with most things involving Jason, you really have to HEAR him say it, lol. However, Kim has brought a whole new definition to "blogadict"- she reads probably 40 blogs regularly- correct me if thats off Kim.)

On to the meme of 6 Weird Things About Me.

here's the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Write 6 random things/unspectacular quirks about yourself
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them
5. Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted.

Weird thing number one.
I continually am commentating my life in my head. Like to the extent that I struggle to remember sometimes what was in my head, and what was out of it. Every possibility rattles through- what they said, or could have said, what I could have replied with...what if that man actually turned right now with a gun, what could I do, what would I do. If a person was to come after me in this bathroom- which stall would be the most safe (the middle one- because there are two exit strategies? Two exit strategies also mean to entrance opportunities that I'd need to watch.) Which bathroom stall is likely least used? lol. I know this sounds paranoid, or negative, but its really more fun to me these days...and unfortunately, it's also hard to shut off. This is also what I blame for my random comments that slip out from time to time- my mind travel fast, and though it appears random to outsiders, it really had a logical progression within a matter of seconds. "German, Germane. Jackson, Jackson 5, tito!" There is usually a story running in my head, sp if you see me laughing by myself...please, don't worry (and don't ask me to explain, because it most likely wont make sense to you in the end.)

Weird thing number two.
I no longer do this, and it took much work (and if I let myself start one day in the car- I'm stuck for the ride!) When I would ride in cars, I'd find myself having to count the street lights. I'd want to stop, but couldn't. It was one-two-three-four-.... or else, it had to be a head nod at every one, or something with my hand. (I know what you are all thinking right now- I knew she was weird...but maybe it's a real clinical issue, she's worse than I thought. I know.) It wasn't only street lamps either, it was the little blue turtles, or anything!

Weird thing number three.
I believe The 100 Acre woods is the ultimate personality guide. I called my sister one day in the car to share this major revelation: I can classify every one of my friends by a character of the 10 Acre Woods, or else some combination of them. It's true, we have Tiggers, Eores, Owls, Kangas, Roos, Poohs, Piglets (I'm part Piglet- "OoOh DddddDear!"and I think part Poo) and the whole crew!

Weird thing number four.
I can be driven into an anxiety attack by Kris moving things in my room. I'm not kidding- and yes, I have been praying that the Lord changes this before I have kids. She will come into my room and flip little things upside down, slide a picture frame 3 inches to the right, slightly pull out one drawer, pull my curtain over a bit, move a pillow, or switch two objects around (she loves to turn HOPE upside down!)...if I see her doing it faster than I can fix them I can get totally overwhelmed and genuinely freaked a little...but usually she does it while I'm out of the room....just for kicks! And she knows I will walk in and see that its off! Yes, I may struggle with a little OCD (or as we say- CDO...as it should be, in alphabetical order).

Weird thing number five.
I LOVE to vacuum. Always have, always will (I hope). My mom started letting me vacuum back at our old house, so I must have been 3 or 4. She'd take off the middle piece so it was super short and she'd turn it on and let me vacuum. I love this about my mom, because you know that actually caused her more trouble than help...no doubt she'd have to go around and vacuum it all regardless, but still, she knew she was training me. (In hindsight, she might not have let me play with the vacuum if she knew I'd become so CDO. lol.)

Weird thing number six.
I cannot stand to have someone leave mad at me. I hate people being mad at me in general, and have had to learn to let it go at the times I can't do anything about it...but it KILLS me. My last words to a person can never be mean, and especially not "I hate you" (which I have never said seriously, but often say as a joke...even though I shouldn't). My sister Kris knows this about me more than anyone since I usually say I hate you to her as a joke, and then she will find a way to leave if possible (usually laughing and refusing to hear anything else- ensuring that those are my last words). She'd run into her room laughing and close the door, and I'll be standing outside it shouting, "I didn't mean it- I love you and you know it!" It's mostly humorous, but part serious, lol. weird. A step further, I will always try to say "I love you" when a person is walking out the door (family and closest friends in particular), because I want to ensure that those are always my last words to them...because, what if they ARE my very last words to them. Ever since I was little, I'd run to the door, and say "I love you" to my family as they'd leave, sincerely making sure that they knew that before they left. I just want people to know I love them.

When I was little, I'd lay on the floor outside Kris' door because you can see through a one inch slit under our doors upstairs. I'd lay there miserable, begging her to forgive me and not be mad at me...she'd be inside, wanting space, or finding it humorous,...or sleeping, lol. Sufficient to say, we handle conflict resolution differently...I need to forgive and be forgiven asap....she needs a little space first. :) I've gotten a little better, besides, I can't see under her door anymore so there's no use in that tactic. ;)

SO, I'm tagging the only two other bloggers I know (besides Rach, who Kim tagged):
Morgan Elizabeth

And to make it more fun- all you who read, but don't have blogs, list out your 6 as comments, I guess you'll have to keep them somewhat short. :)


Morgan said...

you just tagged me so that i would write a blog...you little sneaky face. fine i'll do it.

Unknown said...

It's actually 133 blogs that I follow daily. And the list continues to grow!

Nice list Kati! Your more OCD than I am! Ahhh...the joys of Lexapro :-)

Love you! Mean It!

Rachel Sarah said...

Kati, Kim - I seriously can't think of six weird things that are very interesting. These types of questions stress me out... maybe that's weird thing #1. Anyways, I'm sure John could come up with 6 things if I ask him.

Anonymous said...

I hope people see that is actually not easy growing up with two OCD sisters and an OCD father. I could never win so I simply learned to survive my own way. I am not a bad person, it was just bad behavior...is bad behavior. lol.

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping that "OCD" stands for "Over Cautious Dad" when you are speaking about your wonderful father..... :-)