Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Since the meme is going around, thought I'd take a moment to fill it out about me and my love. Then, I had a better idea, and I sent it over to my dear friend who first wrote down the epic tale of our romance. Here are Madison's poetic (?) answers...

What are your middle names? Mine is Carrie Hope and Allan's is Christopher.

How long have you been together? We've been together for 3 months, married for 2.

How long did you know each other before you started dating? About a week of chasing each other out of their private reading spots

Who asked whom out? Kati asked Allan out because she felt guilty how she had treated him

How old are each of you? Kati is 22 and Allan is 25

Whose siblings do you see the most? They see Kati's family the most because Allan's are an Amish family that lives in Pennsylvania so....

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? Food. Allan simply hates asparagus and Kati, well let just say its her staple.

Did you go to the same school? No, not at all. Kati went to a Classical Christian Private school in Washington. Allan went to an Amish school through the eighth grade until his father decided that for his high school years, they needed to be spent on the farm; however, Allan schooled himself. They both now attend the UW.

Are you from the same home town? Again, no. Washington = Kati; Pennsylvania = Allan.

Who is smarter? Hmm...that is a tough one. However, due to Allan's agricultural skills alone, He pulls slightly ahead.

Who is the most sensitive? Kati is.

Where do you eat out most as a couple? For Kati--Purple. For Allan--Old Spaghetti Factory

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Pennsylvania was pretty far for their second wedding (Kati was in the ceremonial bonnet), but they did go to Dublin, Ireland for their honeymoon.

Who has the craziest exes? Neither. Kati and Allan both followed the road of courtship. However, Allan's parents did try to arrange a marriage for him with a woman twice his age.

Who has the worst temper? Allan. This is one of the few reasons why he did not make a good Amish man.

Who does the cooking? Kati--in Allan's culture, the men never cook, but that never stops Kati from enlisting his help.

Who is the neat-freak? Kati when it comes to the bed, but Allan when it comes to the garage.

Who is more stubborn? Allan would say he is because Kati is still trying to decide.

Who hogs the bed? Hmm...I can't say, but the fact that Allan is taller and broader than Kati can give a clue.

Who wakes up earlier? Kati does...she has a fascination with the sunrise and loves waking Allan up to see it.

I trust you laughed at least a third as much as I did :) Totally made my day!


Anonymous said...

I absolutely love that when asked who is more stubborn, she responded, Allan because Kati is still trying to decide. HYSTERICAL. I do feel I should meet this mystery husband though. I don't know how dad will deal with Amish...I think that's worse than Catholic in his book

Unknown said...

I'm so confused right now.

Do I have the right blog?

Morgan said...

HILARIOUS!!!!! I laughed really hard at the stubborn question too!

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with you, Kris! That made me crack up.... that is, after I got over the initial shock that this was only a joke. It IS only a joke, isn't it, Kati (was going to be Karynne or Karissa Hope
- thus also KARI HOPE!)????? About the Amish... wrong, Kris..... nothing wrong with the Amish (other than Pennsylvania is farther away than Tennessee :-)...

Katrina Hope said...

Oh my word dad. Yes, joke, fully a joke. Amish are okay huh? I'll note that. Maybe I can find a guy on amishcafe.com (hehehee). ;)

Madison has decided (since hearing that you wanted to name me something that could be abbreviated Kari-Hope) that my middle name is from here on out- carrie-hope. lol.