Wednesday, August 24, 2011

This has been a great week, with answers to things long hoped for, for several people I love.  This morning as I thought on these things, I realized my faith had grown.  So, I began to pray for those things I really deeply desire, for me and for those I love.  I hope this (vague) little post builds your faith too - things long sought, fought for, and hoped for, have answers and realities.  They happen.

We have a Father who still loves to give us good gifts when we ask and believe.  And just because an answer is delayed, does not mean it is denied... it might just mean you're being prepared to steward it.  I'm praying for you today, that TODAY God would answer that deep cry in your heart.  It doesn't really surprise me that I also remember writing not long ago (two weeks?) about desire.  About the Lord reminding me of my desires, the ones I've come to ignore and try not to think about... because it's easier, or less painful.  I've felt so worn down and overwhelmed by all the heartaches I know of, not just mine, but my friends and families, knowing their deep worries and hurts, the things they long for and have yet to see.  It's easier for me to try not to think about them, and even a few weeks ago I finally felt like I snapped.  I said "Don't tell me about them" because I felt if I heard of one more sad thing, one more heartache, my own heart would just shatter.  I left a dinner table and sat in my car alone, praying the literal pain in my stomach would ease.  It was too much.  And then the following weeks, the Lord began to stir in me again, make me want my heart to be soft where it's grown hard this past year... remind me that this is who I am, and I don't have to carry the burdens, but I was created to help ease the load of others.  My name is Hope.  How can I try to not be that, to not accept that I'm designed to help others hold on to the dreams in their heart?  And that the answer isn't going to be ignoring or running from the pain, it's going to be learning how to release the Lord into those situations and how to stand beside those I love while they wait.  Doesn't it seem we're all waiting for something these days?  Waiting 'til we feel we'll break.  So this is my testimony,  answers are coming.  Things are changing.  And that which you've long hoped for and desired, you will see.

Love you.  Praying for you.  Thinking of you and the depths being carved in your heart.  And above all that, believing that this could be the week.  And He'll carry you to the end.

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