Tuesday, August 28, 2012

John told me a while back that I could decorate his apartment.  I've wanted for some time to decorate a guy's apartment.  We'd done a few small things here and there so far but not much.  Just in time for us to get serious about it - he found a new apartment. :)  He wasn't sure how serious he was about moving, but I lined up a few places for us to check out last weekend and the second one we saw was a huge steal.  And still close enough to his work for him to walk each day.  He decided he wanted it, and luckily we were some of the very first to see it.  He filled out the forms and signed the check before the rest ever showed up for the open house.  Tomorrow he'll be signing the lease. 

I've already created a new Pinterest board.  :)  His new lease will overlap for an entire month with his current one, so we have time to paint, clean and decorate.  It's probably close to 3 times the size of his current place (okay, maybe only 2x, but the King of Hyperbole will forgive me for the gross exaggeration), with plenty of windows and good lighting, old hardwood floors and thick white trim.  It's going to be a very handsome manly abode.  And it's going to be a blast getting it there!

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