Wednesday, April 25, 2012

"You know Spiders are the number one fear. Second is public speaking.  Third, death... I speak publicly for fun, and I'm not afraid of spiders. Except poisonous ones. I mean, the rest are harmless."

"They are ugly, hairy little things that scurry around on all those legs - and you never know where they are!"

"Yeah, but I'm ugly and hairy."

The danger a person can be to themselves when they love to win a debate.  Oh Brade - you may be hairy, but you are far too handsome to be a spider.   [Did she just call him handsome, on her blog? Oh my...] 


Braden said...

Scandalous! I believe I includes John in there too on the hairy part...

Katrina Hope said...

You did - but after I told you it was going on my blog. He's handsome too. :) And hairy.