Taking photos while running looks
A BiT l i Ke t H I s.....
But I just wanted to document how much I enjoy my gym time these days (and let's be honest, no girl really loves having photos taken of her while she's exercising anyways, so we didn't mind the blur so much). With these two on my right and Els on my left, and usually Kate nearby... I look forward to the gym so much more. And I don't find myself in such a rush to get it done and get out.
Also I feel it worth noting: Elsa has
perfect running form. I mean, we've been running buddies for nearly two years now (maybe?), but today it struck me. Perfect. Her back is straight, her arms flexed, all her limbs just seem to be pulled by threads at a ridiculous rate. The girl could be a running model. I don't have that good of posture when I'm walking... or laying on a flat board! Maybe the trick was how fast she was going? I have no clue. But it was enough that I felt distracted and mortified at my shortcomings and decided to stop my treadmill and admire her gate and form. Truly, I marveled.
It's good thing I look forward to the gym so much now, because most of my time not at the gym, and not at work, is spent like this... And while it's happy for the heart, well...