Saturday, February 14, 2009


I had a fantastic day. I am a firm believer that 'wherever you are, be there.' In other words, if it is raining outside, go out and play in it- mud football, jump in puddles, stroll the streets with a classic umbrella and a latte. If it is sunny (or even over 60 degrees), I'm in a swimsuit, reading a book, washing my car, mowing the lawn, on a walk, or at the beach. If I'm at work, I'm writing or booking planes. If I'm in college, I'm studying and loving it. If I'm in class, I'm listening and talking, and usually laughing (or maybe arguing, you all know me too well for me to lie). If I'm with a friend, that is exactly where I want to be. And if I'm single, I am taking adventures and risks and being outrageous and dreaming and planning trips and loving every little moment! So enjoying Valentines day wasn't much of a decision for me today, I'm preconditioned ;) I know it is harder for some of you, legitimately, and I hope joy found you at special moments today and suprised and delighted you.

I've had a wonderful lazy day. Slept in, stayed in my pajamas till well after noon. I did my taxes (but didn't actually submit them yet) while I watched chick flicks. Tidied up my room and wrote a couple cards, and then just enjoyed laying on my bed...not sleeping, not working, hardly thinking. Aww. Surprise last minute sushi date with aimes and cam. And now I am back and catching up with one of my favorite bloggers.

Should have done some reading today definitely, but enjoyed not doing any homework. And the night is not done yet...

Happy Valentines Day!
You are loved.


kaylee@life chasers said...

You are way too cute:) I love your perspective, way to have such an awesome attitude! Love ya!

Unknown said...

Aww....that's my girl!

I completely agree - love the place you are in every day and every moment! There is so much fun to be had when you're single and plenty of years to come to enjoy being married or a mom :-)

I love you Kati and as always, you make me so proud to be your big sister.

Can't wait to see you very soon!!!!!

Anonymous said...

aww!! such a lovely post :) I had a splendid Valentines Day.

samara said...

Thank you so much for posting Kati - It was so encouraging! I only wish I could have read it on Valentines : )

But even what you said about the rain and school and everything else - it was like a word from the Lord! Thank you so much!

Love reading you Kati! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

PS- just noticed you linked to my blog :) thanks for the compliment lady.