Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Random story:

Yesterday I am in the bathroom. (all great stories start this way).

I go over, and with my pinky roll out the sufficient amount of paper towel from the dispenser. All the while there is a girl to my right who is washing her hands. I then turn on the faucet (I'm standing right between the said girl washing her hands, and the paper towel dispenser I've prepped-- one of like 8 in this bathroom). As I'm washing my hands and counting in my head-- The aforementioned girl turns off the faucet with her hands, and then GRABS the paper towel she must have seen me just prep.

She dries her hands, tosses the towel and leaves.

I was deeply bothered and had to choose right then not to be offended. That was the biggest decision I have had to make to not receive an offense in quite some time. Clearly, I'm still battling it some. WHY? She'd seen me do it. I wouldn't have minded if perhaps she'd used it to dispense MORE paper towel and leave some for me... And if she had already used her once clean hands to turn off the faucet that she already used her dirty hands to turn on--- why not use those now dirty hands to get her own paper towel to dry her wet, dirty hands? Or why even wash her hands, since by the point she tossed that paper towel and grasped that door handle to leave, they were already dirty again!?

"What is this ____ on my hands? Look! It's there again!"

Yep. Just something I've been pondering. At this point I'm not really bothered, just very entertained. One of those things that happen to you and you feel its so remarkable that you have to share it with someone. Someone knowingly stole my paper towel yesterday, right before my eyes.

Huh. Love. I know. :P


Anonymous said...

I can sooooo see and hear you in this story haha
I miss you terribly

Rachel Sarah said...

try working at a middle school - germs are EVERYWHERE!

Unknown said...

As Jason would say, its building your immunity :-)

That would have driven me crazy too! And I like the quote my dear, very funny. What a great movie.

love you!

Anonymous said...

That behavior required action. I would have said something. Or chased the little brat out of the bathroom yelling something like, "That is disgusting!" so everyone thought uncomfortable things about what may have occured. : ) I have a pretty funny bathroom story for you from this week. hysterical actually.