Isn't there supposed to be a new feature on the cckirkland website, where I can watch the sermon live? I went there and can't find today's sermon by either video streaming or podcast yet.. :(
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Life is full of decisions.
I suppose this is a blessing. I know it is. God chose to give us a free will. He chose to let us make decisions. And at times, He lays two options before us and says, I'll bless either one, now you choose. I don't know why these moments are so hard for me, why it is so difficult for me to look at my own heart and search for which direction I want to take. But it is.
I don't know if I have ever felt like I've had more decisions to make. Like life is truly FULL of decisions. I suppose these questions are always there, but its easy to begin living life on autopilot, continuing in what you've been doing. Comfortable. I don't want to be comfortable in life, or life by default. But decisions are so stink'n hard. And I don't want to miss the Lord in my life, moreover, I don't want to miss the BEST.
In the midst of this season, it's been such a blessing to come to Tennessee for a spell. I've slept more this week already then the past month I think. And after sleeping for long hours, I wake up and still have time to spend hours with the Lord.
He has always been faithful, faithful to lead me. And I'm resting in that...keeping my eyes on His face, and not on the waves.
I've noticed in the midst of these decisions, He's been bringing me back to the bigger picture. The prophetic words spoken over my life have suddenly taken on greater weight, and the passions that break me open are constantly before me. Conversations have been coming up every day reminding me of the life I want to live, a life of sacrifice and passion, that takes risks and has costs, and pays highly. Its coming back to the basics, love that fits the bill.
I suppose this is a blessing. I know it is. God chose to give us a free will. He chose to let us make decisions. And at times, He lays two options before us and says, I'll bless either one, now you choose. I don't know why these moments are so hard for me, why it is so difficult for me to look at my own heart and search for which direction I want to take. But it is.
I don't know if I have ever felt like I've had more decisions to make. Like life is truly FULL of decisions. I suppose these questions are always there, but its easy to begin living life on autopilot, continuing in what you've been doing. Comfortable. I don't want to be comfortable in life, or life by default. But decisions are so stink'n hard. And I don't want to miss the Lord in my life, moreover, I don't want to miss the BEST.
In the midst of this season, it's been such a blessing to come to Tennessee for a spell. I've slept more this week already then the past month I think. And after sleeping for long hours, I wake up and still have time to spend hours with the Lord.
He has always been faithful, faithful to lead me. And I'm resting in that...keeping my eyes on His face, and not on the waves.
I've noticed in the midst of these decisions, He's been bringing me back to the bigger picture. The prophetic words spoken over my life have suddenly taken on greater weight, and the passions that break me open are constantly before me. Conversations have been coming up every day reminding me of the life I want to live, a life of sacrifice and passion, that takes risks and has costs, and pays highly. Its coming back to the basics, love that fits the bill.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I celebrated summer break on Saturday by sleeping in. It was unbelievable. I dedicated the whole day to rest and forced myself not to think much of my coming to-do list. Katherine and Kolleen and I went grocery shopping, took my car to be cleaned, we vacuumed it and went to Alderwood Mall to get my laptop fixed.
Then it was off to the Sounders Game! I had an absolute blast with three of my best friends downtown. We wandered looking for food and came across the Sounders Marching Band and "March to Qwest" that we had known nothing about. Quite a way to put you in the mood for a good match!
We found gelato--- amazing gelato! And ended up being food in the stadium. The first half especially was so exciting, and we won 2-1! 
Sunday, work (with Morgan, which made it pretty enjoyable) and much more excitement to be expounded on later.

Monday, I worked from home and spent a remarkable number of hours in or on my bed. :0
Tuesday I went into work early (got coffee with Abby on the way) and got what I needed to done, had lunch with Rosie and Abby and then with Morgan (lol). Came home, and ended up taking a three hour nap! (Wasn't expecting that). Then woke up just in time to run to Jeff and Elise's. Last night was our first session of Financial Peace University. As well, I think it was our first time hanging out as "the neighborhood" with out new addition of Aime. :)
Elise made delicious homemade pizzas before and we got to catch up some and talk about the exciting wedding plans. 
Before everyone else got there, Elise pulled me around to her desk and pulled out two tickets---- I looked at them and the hugest smile snuck out, "how'd you get them?" She said, "I bought two more for another night." That is right, Elise and I are going to see Wicked in October!!!!! If you didn't know, I have wanted to see this broadway show for close to 4 years! Awww, I am very excited for our date night! Thank you Elise!!!
Then on to FPU, I am so excited about this class. One session in and I surprising don't feel depressed, but really hopeful. I am so grateful that I am going to get practical financial tools at such a young age. He shows how small things in our twenties can really make an impressive impact on our future.
I celebrated summer break on Saturday by sleeping in. It was unbelievable. I dedicated the whole day to rest and forced myself not to think much of my coming to-do list. Katherine and Kolleen and I went grocery shopping, took my car to be cleaned, we vacuumed it and went to Alderwood Mall to get my laptop fixed.
Then it was off to the Sounders Game! I had an absolute blast with three of my best friends downtown. We wandered looking for food and came across the Sounders Marching Band and "March to Qwest" that we had known nothing about. Quite a way to put you in the mood for a good match!
Monday, I worked from home and spent a remarkable number of hours in or on my bed. :0
Then on to FPU, I am so excited about this class. One session in and I surprising don't feel depressed, but really hopeful. I am so grateful that I am going to get practical financial tools at such a young age. He shows how small things in our twenties can really make an impressive impact on our future.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I have just officially begun my summer break. I have almost exactly one hour 'til I need to be ready to leave for homegroup and I'm not sure what to do with it. Not enough time to nap and get ready (and you know a nap is definitely my first choice!). My room is clean. My bathroom is clean. My car- Aw! That may be it. Lame celebration though :/
I already made my to-do list for the next two weeks, perhaps I will get started on that.
Yeah for summer- once I get caught up on a bit of sleep I will be busting out the books! YEAH!
I already made my to-do list for the next two weeks, perhaps I will get started on that.
Yeah for summer- once I get caught up on a bit of sleep I will be busting out the books! YEAH!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Septmeber 8th!
Here is what Barnes & Noble has to say:
#1 bestselling author Nicholas Sparks's new novel is at once a compelling family drama and a heartrending tale of young love.
Seventeen year old Veronica "Ronnie" Miller's life was turned upside-down when her parents divorced and her father moved from New York City to Wilmington, North Carolina. Three years later, she remains angry and alientated from her parents, especially her father...until her mother decides it would be in everyone's best interest if she spent the summer in Wilmington with him. Ronnie's father, a former concert pianist and teacher, is living a quiet life in the beach town, immersed in creating a work of art that will become the centerpiece of a local church.
The tale that unfolds is an unforgettable story of love on many levels--first love, love between parents and children -- that demonstrates, as only a Nicholas Sparks novel can, the many ways that love can break our hearts...and heal them.
Sparks is a sort of national sweetheart -- a good-looking family man who writes heart-tugging novels that rarely fail to elicit tears or book sales. His wildly popular The Notebook kicked off a steady string of quietly triumphant love stories.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Just a quick vent.
Why hasn't Nicholas Sparks made any mention of a new book yet!? Huh? I know how it goes. I know he will begin making talk of it right about now and I will spend much of my summer wanting desperately to get my hands on it. At the end of the summer he will even pre-release the first chapter and I will excitedly eat it up. Then, I will return to classes and right as I start to get overloaded with homework and reading assignments, the book will be released. I will make time THAT day to drive to Barnes & Noble and appreciate the displays of it that line the front entrance. I will grab my own beautiful hard bound copy and get in line to purchase it. I will carry it with pride out to my car, set the bag carefully on the back seat. Drive home, take it out, remove any price stickers with the utmost care. Then I will place it on the bottom shelf with all his others and wait for Thanksgiving to finally get to read it! Oh, there will be a number of cases during that time that I will pull it out, thumb through it, smell it, touch the pages, even re-read the back and study the front cover for hints. I'll ponder why he chose that picture. Where is the place on the cover? What is it a symbol of? But I will set it back on the shelf and force myself to wait.
As of now, no mention of another book.
Why hasn't Nicholas Sparks made any mention of a new book yet!? Huh? I know how it goes. I know he will begin making talk of it right about now and I will spend much of my summer wanting desperately to get my hands on it. At the end of the summer he will even pre-release the first chapter and I will excitedly eat it up. Then, I will return to classes and right as I start to get overloaded with homework and reading assignments, the book will be released. I will make time THAT day to drive to Barnes & Noble and appreciate the displays of it that line the front entrance. I will grab my own beautiful hard bound copy and get in line to purchase it. I will carry it with pride out to my car, set the bag carefully on the back seat. Drive home, take it out, remove any price stickers with the utmost care. Then I will place it on the bottom shelf with all his others and wait for Thanksgiving to finally get to read it! Oh, there will be a number of cases during that time that I will pull it out, thumb through it, smell it, touch the pages, even re-read the back and study the front cover for hints. I'll ponder why he chose that picture. Where is the place on the cover? What is it a symbol of? But I will set it back on the shelf and force myself to wait.
As of now, no mention of another book.
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