Thursday, November 01, 2007

I had such a fun time Sunday night! Morgan and I were studying at Kahilis when she got a call fro Elise, asking her (and consequently, me) to go hang out....a few minutes into their call, Todd (who was with Jeff and Elise) called me- telling me that we needed to go. We both had some homework to do first, but agreed we'd see...and might come later. Morgan and I had already texted Tyson, to come study with us at Kahilis for a while. He hadn't tected back or called, and it had been over an hour. Morgan and I decided we'd done enough homework and that we should run over and meet them earlier than we'd said- and surprise them. As we cleared our coffee cups from the table, I said I would feel so terrible if Ty ended up coming after all and we had left. Morgan reassured me that he wouldn't come without calling, especially since it had been over an hour. I agreed, she was right. As we walked out of Kahilis- Tyson called. "Hey, where exactly is Kahilis in Kirkland?" I said, "Don't come! We are leaving right now." "What? You told me to come- I am IN Kirkland!" Morgan and I coudn't help but laugh (ALOT) at this ironic situation. Ty didn't find it funny, and our humor in the situation only agrevated him more. Seriously, how wierd is that though?

We told ty where we had parked and when he pulled over, I apologized about 20 times (and he still was a bit bugged! Which I can understand), and eventually he decided to follow us to Red Robins to meet up with Elise, Jeff, and Todd. And thus the night ensued. It was a blast- it's been a while since I hve had one of these random fun nights, where theres nothing on th eschedule, and you just simply enjoy your friends- WHEREVER you happen to be. Our night led us to the Party Store, and you can see a window into our night from the photos. I laughed a LOT! I don't think I've ever hung out with quite this group...I believe I probably will a good deal in the future- at least, I hope. Anyways- I wanted to share a few smiles with you all :)

Love you.

1 comment:

Rachel Sarah said...

Katie - I just have to say... you are so cute! So... just how much studying did you get in?? :>) I have two final papers due on Nov 15th, then I'm done til January. Phew!