Monday, March 31, 2008

I have been seeing 777 everywhere!!

First, I buy myself a coffee in the airport- then decide to grab two granola bars for my manager because they are wheat-free (she's allergic). The total: $7.77 That's cool I think, and I take a picture.

I walk back to my manager and we go find a seat to wait for our flight to board. We open her wedding magazine (she's planning her wedding...we had a reason, haha). Looking through these stories and pictures, she says, "That's cool." And points to the spot on the page as she reads "...knew she always wanted to be married on 7/7/07" Huh. I tell kathryn about the coffee total.

Then, I was signing in to purchase internet, and as I opened the list of networks one said something and $7.77!!!

At this point I am thinking "WHAT?! NO WAY!" or as Kim would put it "GET OUT!?"

Yep, then today, I start laughing as I walk by a caboose coffee stand that has in giant gold numbers across the front 777



I've got pics of them all that I'll add soon. ;)

love you


Morgan said...

well you talked to me today....and i was born on 7.27.87.... :)

Unknown said...

I don't know whether that's kinda creepy or cool? Either way...."GET OUT!" I couldn't be one to disappoint :-) Look forward to the pictures. Take pictures of Vegas too!! I wish I was there with you - I miss you TONS!