This is Tyson, today I am standing in for Kati so pay double attention to the nuggets of wisdom flowing from my fingers. For these next few minutes you will all be subjected to different thoughts that have occurred to me. Unfortunately for you, you all are a captive audience, so here goes:
School is almost out and this caused me to wonder, why do we perpetuate this system? Who really uses any of the stuff that they force feed us. I surely will not be ever using the anything from Geology 101. I mean, they are rocks for crying out loud! If rocks excite you then you are so far beyond any help that... Sorry, tangent. Anyway, why do we have to go to school for 4 years. I mean the stuff that I will truly need in my occupation I could finish in a year and save myself 3 years of trouble and more money than I even want to think about. The system pushes us to the brink of insanity and they wonder why so many college kids end up moving back in with their parents and...and... It just occurred to me that I never left home. Thats depressing. Wow, I just lost all feeling in my extremities. What just happened to me? Abandon ship! Mayday!
Second thought. Whats up with shaving? I mean, apparently, from the stuff I have been fed the last few years in college, for millions of years, we didn't shave. I mean, why the sudden rush towards hairlessness???!!!! All it has really given us is a face full of razor burn and nothing else. I think that we should move back towards our beginnings. Come on men, rise up and reject the razor!!!! This is the new movement against repression. For too long have our facial hairs been downtrodden and forced into hiding. Why? All because somewhere along the line, someone decided to force us into this prison of sorts.
Third thought, with summer approaching it means one thing- mowing the lawn. This ritual of suburban peer pressure affects millions of people around the world. Once again, no one really knows why we do this, but men and women around the world slave over the tiny little plants in front of their house. It has become the status symbol that all are judged by. Brown lawn with gravel scattered throughout? You are a redneck who cares nothing about image or your poor neighbors who have to look at it. Mostly green with the occasional brown spot? You care somewhat but you are unable to control your dog? Decent green lawn? You have a start, and a little more work will push you to the top. Lush green grass, worthy of existing on the front lawn of the White House? You are the king of the neighborhood. All others bow down before the majesty that is you. You are the crown jewel of the neighborhood association and you mock all those simpletons who aspire to live up to your level of lawn expertise.
Anyway, these are some random thoughts that entered my twisted mind on this rainy Thursday. I hope that I have not bored you to the brink of sanity, but even if I had, this is not my blog so it doesn't matter to me if you come back. And who knows, maybe I will be back again sometime soon.