I had a dream last night, I went to get my hair cut and the hairdresser cut all my hair off...it was like Roman Holiday short, and it was dark brown again. I was crying at first because I was so shocked by it- but then I sorta liked it. Then, I woke up. I've been wanting to recolor my hair, probably just go back to brown (that was the plan initially), so maybe thats why I had the dream..but hmm, maybe I am supposed to cut it all off? God will probably need to show me that pretty clearly- it would be fun though. :) > come to think of it, it looked like Kim Walker's did when she was here for the Womens Conference...hmmm, maybe I'll pray about this. :)
I am working a little late today, I need to get some hours in. Having a budget is good for me, because this year I know how many hours I need to work each week which provides personal accountability. Last year, I didn't have much to do at work (my 'manager' wasn't very good at utilizing me), and so I would end up leaving early almost every day because I felt I was wasting my time. So, I'd work like 7 hours some weeks! This year, not only do I have a wonderful manager who definitely utilizes me (!), but I also know exactly how many hours my budget is based on, so I have to hit that as a minimum.

Today our company was celebrating a new stage in our 'development' - so we went out on a boat cruise for a few hours around Seattle, it was really quite wonderful. And it didn't rain, which was great! I'm surprised how tired it left me though-- all of us, infact. The office is pretty much empty- everyone cleared out as soon as we got back.
Speaking of the office....it's the season premier tonight! I've heard it was at nine, and I've heard it's at eight. I will need to be working on homework tonight, but I might have to multi-task ;) I know, that's not very good study skills... Well, who knows, maybe it's at eight and in that case I'll miss it anyways.
I need to get back to working on my press release...see many of you tonight. And those I won't-- I LOVE YOU TONS!
(Post Scriptum. the pictures are just random pictures I took with my phone this morning on campus. I was walking by the fountain on the way to a class and was struck by the beauty all around me. i love walking around the campus, i am so blessed to be able to attend classes there. and i was so happy, i took a picture to show you- you can see a beautiful part of the campus behind me.)
Kim and Jason- I cannot wait for your visit!
I am working a little late today, I need to get some hours in. Having a budget is good for me, because this year I know how many hours I need to work each week which provides personal accountability. Last year, I didn't have much to do at work (my 'manager' wasn't very good at utilizing me), and so I would end up leaving early almost every day because I felt I was wasting my time. So, I'd work like 7 hours some weeks! This year, not only do I have a wonderful manager who definitely utilizes me (!), but I also know exactly how many hours my budget is based on, so I have to hit that as a minimum.
Today our company was celebrating a new stage in our 'development' - so we went out on a boat cruise for a few hours around Seattle, it was really quite wonderful. And it didn't rain, which was great! I'm surprised how tired it left me though-- all of us, infact. The office is pretty much empty- everyone cleared out as soon as we got back.
Speaking of the office....it's the season premier tonight! I've heard it was at nine, and I've heard it's at eight. I will need to be working on homework tonight, but I might have to multi-task ;) I know, that's not very good study skills... Well, who knows, maybe it's at eight and in that case I'll miss it anyways.
I need to get back to working on my press release...see many of you tonight. And those I won't-- I LOVE YOU TONS!
(Post Scriptum. the pictures are just random pictures I took with my phone this morning on campus. I was walking by the fountain on the way to a class and was struck by the beauty all around me. i love walking around the campus, i am so blessed to be able to attend classes there. and i was so happy, i took a picture to show you- you can see a beautiful part of the campus behind me.)
Kim and Jason- I cannot wait for your visit!