Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Hey ya'll.
I know it's been a while, and my sister Kim is probably getting pretty tired that I have not posted AND I have not sent her the pics from Thanksgiving :( oops. I'm in my last week of classes this quarter, and then next week is finals. I will be all wrapped up by 5pm on the 14th. 14th is gonna be such a great day- done with this quarter, AND I get to see a LOT of people I love at a christmas party for my MC class...sadly there will be a couple HUGELY missed members..Risseroos foremost.

I am about to hop in bed, today has been a good day overall. I accomplished a lot, I had a great time with my cousins, I even bought my first couple christmas presents. That includes Kolleen's early present- "ADD" Blake Lewis' new album, gotta admit, I'm a fan of it! Plus we all three bought some boots to help cope with this cold, rainy weather. I also accomplished some Logic homework (the bane of my existence right now! BUT JOY, this is my last homework assignment, plus one more extra credit problem set I've been working on!)

There is some other fun pic to fill you in on, but I know I needed to post at least a couple from Thanksgiving first.

Love ya,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ick. not such a fan of those pictures. but at least you posted! that's more than I can say for me!