Sunday, August 15, 2010

Tonight is the Novalis concert at Chop Suey. I've loved them since 'they' were just Tommy's voice on that one track on Imago Dei's album. Add to that Katie's voice that's something like whipped cream and liquid gold combined, Tommy's intimidating lyricism, and an acordian and you start to get a picture of why they are so loved. I haven't even mentioned three of the band members yet, all of which deserve a paragraph (but I lack the musical knowledge to do such a shout out justice, so we'll forego for the time being). And they just keep getting better and better. Now add to that, that one of my very best friends is opening for them (who I am also a big fan of musically- but don't tell him please), and I can't quite tell you enough how excited I am for the show tonight. I can tell you I am excited enough to be up at 1:30am blogging about it, even though I have church, work and then the show tomorrow... followed by two very busy days.

If you are free tomorrow night, you should come. But then again, you probably already have plans... to be at Chop Suey. ;)

My shameless plug... but also just my excited rantings... or unembarrassed bragging that my friends are cool and have stuff like shows. Read it how you like.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I bet the show was awesome, too bad I can't see them!! Hope you had a great time and a great weekend :-)