Saturday, July 01, 2006

Hey Jason, will you bring me a demo CD with the new songs you have by the time you come? I am excited to see you!!!

Oh, and Kim and Jason, also another chapstick from the Loveless Cafe, its my favorite and its almost all gone...the vanilla flavor. ;)

And Kimmy, my pink striped 'boxers.'

LOVE YOU< mean it.


Anonymous said...

me to... me too.. Love, DAD

Unknown said...

You are so funny, making requests before with almost 2 months to go! I tell you what, I'll trade you the pink boxers for something of mine that you still have! I don't know maybe jeans, a zip up hoodie....I'll have to raid your closet and see what I'm missing. And by the way, where the heck would Jason and I be sleeping? I don't know if there's enough beds in the house. We haven't bought our plane tickets yet and we have to wait till my next paycheck, so pray we still get a good price, otherwise it might be difficult for Jason to still come with me.

Love you all!


Unknown said...

ok - so we ended up buying our tickets after all!!! How could we resist when we found a fabulous deal! So we're both coming home Wednesday night, August 30th and staying through Tuesday, September 5th! Ellensburg Rodeo here we come! Kati save up your $, cause we have to buy tickets soon and if we're going to the Extreme Bulls, its going to be close to $50 a person total for both the rodeo and the bulls!
Love you!