Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Today, I had a renewed excitement for life. There wasn't a huge catalyst experience, it just happened. Perhaps there was a moment, it was small and rather insignificant. My "newsfeed" on facebook showed a comment a friend of mine had made on a stranger's (her friend- stranger to me) picture. The picture struck me, so I gave it a second look.

A couple kissing.

The empire state building eclipsing a city scape in the background. The couple is to the left edge, the building watching from center stage.

They were clearly doing it to fulfill the romantic ideal of the Empire State Building, romanticized for posperity by "An Affair to Remember" (and, let's admit it, Meg Ryan).

I must admit, I oooohed a little. "Thats so sweet." Then I thought- aren't you suppose to kiss ON the empire state building though?

(Don't worry, I am going somewhere with this...I haven't forgotten)

I want to kiss on the empire state building someday. Yes, I am a romantic sap. I love "An Affair to Remember," I have watched "Sleepless in Seattle" too many Christmas' to count.

Kiss at Empire State Building- check.

And the list began to create (again). Dreaming about where I want to go, and things I want to do makes me come alive. I have been hearing about New York City a lot lately, seeing pictures, reading blogs, at work in a meeting yesterday- the guys talking about their recent trip to New York, then yesterday afternoon- email requests for us to book flights for a couple of our VPS, to New York City! Today, pictures of a friend's friend in NYC. :)

Someday, soon, I'd like to go to NYC.


Study in Italy.

Perhaps, study/ work in London.

I love San Francisco :)

Similarly, yesterday, I was undergoing a renewed conviction to take care of myself. Its a prime time to have a bit of a "scare" that I need to care for my body. As a college student, who works, and is dedicated to a number of other responsibilities and relationships- I can run myself hard. And also going, it can be challenging to 'refuel' in the ways I should- namely, drinking water, sleeping, and eating well.

3 weeks left in the quarter I believe. Finals- if I don't keep right on track and strategize about when to do what- I'll end up with "all nighters"....high stress, lots of caffeine, and little or no sleep....not the bodies favorite way to operate. Yet, as students (even you high schoolers!), we do it to ourselves, and almost get a charge from it.

So a new commitment to myself. I am young, only 21. Yet, I found myself in the ER, after a frightening episode. I want to steward my body. Drinking enough water every day, protecting my sleep (and rest), eating the food that strengthens me, and exercise :)

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