Monday, March 02, 2009

This morning I woke up at 4:30am, an hour before I'd even set my alarm for. I remember being very awake, and immediately thinking I was awake because God had woke me up and I could spend time with Him.

I didn't.

Now, I'm realizing today is a hard day, even a painful day. And as I'm thinking of leaving work early to go someplace and be with the Lord and process what He's brining up in my heart- I realized that this morning He wasn't waking me up just because I need to be "better" at spending time with Him in the mornings, but because He knew I'd need those tender moments with Him this morning. He knew I needed to exchange my weak strength, for His strength, and I needed, a hug.

Perhaps that sounds too elementary, and even selfish, but I don't doubt it in the least, and I am totally undone by how caring He is...funny that pastor Norm spoke yesterday about the imminance of God, and intimacy. He is a majestic God, who gathered the oceans and seas together. He is also a loving God, who woke me up an hour early today because He knew my heart was going to hurt today, and He wanted to hold me before the storm even came.


Anonymous said...

He said He understands and that since you missed His hug this morning, He's going to let your earthly father have the privledge -
but only for today... He's kinda jealous when it comes to you little

Katrina Hope said...

Thanks Dad, I'll collect on this hug later today :)

Unknown said... cute. Dad's so sweet. Get in all the hugs you need for the next day or two, cause after that.....MAKE ROOM FOR GRANDMA SCRIBBLES!!! I have a LOT of hugging to catch up on!

Anonymous said...

That blog was sweet and almost made me cry. And then dad's message was so sweet it almost made me cry. What is wrong with me? Why am I acting like such a girl? Anyway, I liked this post... and I like our dad.


Elise Mitchell said...

Kati, I love you and miss you! Your Dad is sweet!