Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I've been amazed lately how the Lord uses people in our life. How one can tear you apart, and another years later can touch those same places and put them back together, perhaps carrying a missing piece you'd never expect them to hold. Looking through old photos this morning, I couldn't help but smile at all the memories and characters captured... the people I have been blessed to live life with, my parents, my sisters, my friends. So many laughs stored up in my hard drive, so many smiles stashed up in my memory.

Thank you Lord that you thought up to connect us all the way you do- to work through us and with us, with each other. Thank you that though some will break our hearts, others will be part of healing them. Forgive me for the hearts I wound- and help me to be part of healing the ones I can. Thank you for this hauntingly beautiful life.


Braden Unger said...

Wow! So much meaning in this picture and such deep emotions. Powerful quote.

Elsa Juliet Walker said...

Love your heart Kati... all your last posts are beautiful. God's doing good things. Love you.