Remember how I said I was gonna celebrate? Oh I did. Oh I am. :) Last night my Beau met me in the lobby with a hug and a congratulations. We headed to the end of the block for drinks at RN 74 before whisking to Esther's for a night of scheming and dreaming over a table of delicious and beautiful artistry.
I have reserved the next two days for cleaning and organizing my life - for resting. In Celtic mythology and literature there is much to be said about the 'time between time' - it is dusk - it is magic - it is that intangible moment between one concrete thing and another. Transition. I have carved out 4 days for my time between times. My own transition, internally before externally. This has been such a long process!!!! And suddenly, at 5:25pm yesterday, I was no longer employed by Weaver. I no longer answered phones or coordinated billing for hundreds of complex projects. I no longer managed an office.
John had requested just one of my mornings, "to help you rest", he said. He woke me up this morning, "Congratulations on your unemployment." We drove to a new coffee shop in our sweats, picked up pastries at a famous Scandinavian bakery we had yet to visit. My favorite part of the morning came right after that, we drove to his house. Took off our shoes, grabbed blankets, our coffees and pastries and then he grabbed the remote. I asked, "Are we going to watch a movie?" (This whole morning was a surprise of course.) "A show?" "Yes, kind of." The screen lit up. Looney Tunes! This man. This man. I tried to tell him a week ago about the cartoons my sister and I would watch whenever we got a chance - an old VHS full of "50 of the Greatest Cartoons." For years, Kristin and I tried to keep a list of all the shows in order. We never could get all of them written down. And eventually, the movie disappeared. (We know who.) I have bought several DVDs in hopes that they are THAT collection, but they never quite right. I told Beau I'd love to spend a morning just watching old cartoons sometime. This morning, we watched Bugs heckle Fudd for an hour before heading off to brunch reservations. :)
We've been trying to get to Lola's for a breakfast for a few months now - so this part I was able to guess... the only part of the morning I figured out at all. Afterwards, John says it was the best breakfast he's ever had, and while the man does have a penchant for hyperbole, I think this was no exaggeration. It was the sort of breakfast where you eat twice as much as you thought possible because you can't bear to stop. DELICIOUS. We ordered the pancakes and the Greek Breakfast and split both before wrapping up the meal with the doughnuts (we weren't going to miss another chance, Linda!). They were incredible with our final sips of coffee.
Now, he's off to an afternoon of meetings and I've a room to put back in order, a car to clean and a laptop on which to do a bit of surgery. So grateful for this small window in time, this time between the times.