Monday, June 24, 2013

Aren't these such funny times?  All at once they are "make us or break us" days, every one of 'em.  And they're unexpected walks in the rain days.  Dance lesson days.  Sailing lesson days. Great new job days.  They're the best and the hardest.  The most exhausting and trying, and also the most fun.

After I let my dad in on it all, all that's on my mind, all that's burning up my heart (and my esophagus again), he says kindly, "It doesn't get easier."  But it's got to!

There's got to come a year where it's not a new job, a house to take care of, a dream that comes with weekly commitments and constant challenges, a  relatively new relationship, bills to pay and forms to fill out, and a friend to bring a meal to every week. A summer where there aren't five or six weddings! Where there's not some place to be every weekend or someone visiting from out of town.

There's got to be a time where you spend weekend after weekend with nothing to do.... right?  That time does exist.  It has to exist. Some day.

Today, I'm okay with how things are - because they'll make us.

And they'll make some great stories.

After all, these are some of the most exciting times... these are the things we've been waiting for expectantly.


samara said...

Nailed it. :)

Yes... I'm looking forward to one day having lazy Saturdays.

Ashley said...

Love this. And can totally relate.