Friday, August 11, 2006

I wish I had some new pics to post. Hmm, maybe I'll ask Todd or Riss to send me some pics. I know Riss and I took some funny ones today.

Well, we are well into writing our covenant and it is definitely tough, but I am so loving how it is turning out. I have a total peace about it and I know that the Lord is so helping us. Aunt DeeAnn encouraged us to be 'simple and true' rather than trying to be all idealistic and poetic. I think ours is coming out that way. We are seeking for it to be very real, matter of fact, and true to our hearts. I think it also sounds pretty beautiful. :) Simplicity is beauty to me. Tomorrow we will be working on it again, and by the end of our time together we will hopefully have our mostly final draft so all we have left for Tuesday is the visual and structural to decide.

Morgan came up with a pretty cool idea for our class pictures today on the ride home. I think she is going to pose it to the class, and I really hope they adopt the plan. Also, they are working on our graduation dance and we'll learn that when we get back from Family Camp.

We are learning a dance for family camp right now, its really fun and exciting. I actually start the I hope you all are there ;) lol. I am actually kinda freaked out about it, but I am also excited because its a chance to finish strong since I started out the year so freaked out about dancing in front of people and hating being in the front....well now I litterally invite all the people on the stage to come dance with me. Its a cool dance too!

Well...I am really tired and hope I get to go to bed early tonight, but we will see. We should be having dinner soon. I love you all....

...and I especially appreciate what you wrote dad! I was waiting to hear from you guys.

ALL MY LOVE, Katrina Hope

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