Sunday, August 06, 2006

Well, not that I really have super exciting things to write about, but I am at home alone and I feel like writing. So, rather than writing to myself like I normally would, I decided to let you all in on this. I have been crying. Not right now, but the past couple days I have had no defenses and things have been pricking my heart, like they used to. I haven't cried much this year...well I have, but at the same time I have felt pretty "tough" since I haven't cried nearly as much as I would have thought. In fact, I don't really like that. I hate people seeing me cry, and I am always around people..i think thats why. But, even still, I don't like feeling hard and insensitive. Most times this year I have been wanting so badly to cry and on the inside I am breaking apart, but on the outside there is nothing. It was so frusterating to me. I think maybe the shift came that night in Boston. It hasn't been bad tears the past couple days, I have just been really moved by things and really sensitive to what the Lord has been speaking to me. This is a pretty crazy time right now, and a lot is going on inside and out of me- not to mention all around me. I love you all a lot, and I miss you guys tons! Tomorrow I am hoping to go to the UW Undergraduate Admissions Office and begin doing what I need to, to register for my classes!!!

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