Tuesday, September 01, 2009

It's shameful. I know. But I'm blogging right now aren't I?

I was driving out on a back country road yesterday, at my favorite time of day. And as I glanced over at the side mirror I felt like raw beauty shone into me. I love driving away from the sun at dusk, looking into your mirror and seeing a golden sky illuminated behind dark rich trees. The world looks enchanted. The trouble is, I'd like to stare into that world, rather then watch the one I'm driving toward at 35 miles an hour. No, thta wasn't meant to be allegorical, but take it as you like (it).

That was my profound little moment yesterday.

This morning has been great already. I got to wake up at 5:30, which is my favorite time to wake up on a week day morning. It's the moment I feel the perfect balance between rested and disciplined. I discovered in MCs that 5:30 is my ideal alarm time...but with opening at starbucks over half the week, I rarely touch my bare feet to the floor at that hour.

After showering, another thing I don't often do first thing in the morning (don't judge me...its stupid to shower before working at sbux, and its nearly suicidal for me to crawl into a shower at 3:30am!), I put on my new carmel leather jacket.... my current favorite clothing item and one I wear unashamedly WAY to much as of late. The problem is, it goes with pretty much every single thing I own. Plus, it makes me feel inspired for autumn. Everyone should own a cool leather jacket, it will make you feel like an artist of some kind. ;) (THUS the blog; see you should thank the jacket next time you see it, and trust me, you WILL see it soon and often.)

I then got to drive Abby to the church, which was fun having a carpool buddy, and we listened to Buble (a fall favorite for me!). Next, I met Rose for an early morning cappuccino before work. She's pretty much one of the coolest women I know. Plus, what better way to begin your morning then dreaming about all the amazing European cities you'd like to visit, the professions you'd love to carry out, and catching up on life over a cap....let me answer my own question: not many.

Now, having caught up on emails and plotted out my day, I am sitting here in my caramel jacket, finally blogging and looking forward to the rest of today's fun activities.

Love you all, have a great day. And if you are considering buying a certain leather jacket, do it. ;)


Rachel Sarah said...

Fun Post! How about posting a picture of that caramel leather jacket. :)

kaylee@life chasers said...

I really haven't seen you in forever if I haven't seen this jacket. It sounds lovely and I want one without even seeing it. COME FALL,COME!!!!

kaylee@life chasers said...

I really haven't seen you in forever if I haven't seen this jacket. It sounds lovely and I want one without even seeing it. COME FALL,COME!!!!

Unknown said...

Lovely post little one :-)