Thursday, September 10, 2009

You know what I think happens when you see the face of the Lion? When you see the face of the Lion, overwhelming terror renders you motionless, and vulnerable, and the LOVE of the lamb reaches around you and clothes your naked frame. You can't run, hide, or move. Every thing is shaken off of you, every fear is inferior to His glorious face, every lie is uncovered, every pain is raw and every wound opened. Things you've covered for years are shown- the hurt no longer hidden. And the Lion looks on you. And the Lamb moves from where He lays, beside the Lion. He comes to you, He gives of Himself to cover your nakedness. And the Lion roars. And nothing is ever the same.

1 comment:

samara said...

WOAH! oh my gosh! Kati... not only is this beautiful--it's powerful! i love the message. but more--i love the way you convey the message! Love it! and Love you!