Monday, September 06, 2010

A "Happier" Blog: (And total distraction from what I am supposed to be doing right now)

Things I want to do:
Take lots of cool pictures.
Spend time with close friends.
Marry my best friend.
Write a childrens book (probably entitled "Stinky and the Muffin Top")
Have children.
Relearn Italian.
Travel (to italy and ireland first- then everywhere else!)
Play nintendo on rainy saturdays with my husband.
Read books in my pajamas.
Write something remarkable.
Read a book in Italian.
Write something with my husband.
Study world maps.
Gain a better understanding and MEMORY of architecture.
Design my own home- and then see it built!
Have Auri be my flower girl. :)
Learn to trust.
Value adventure.
Live without fear.
Be a great mom.
Have a rock'n library.
Live in the city for a time.
Be content.

It's strange, I think the things I "WANT" are less than ever. Even the things above- only a few of them do I feel desperately passionate about. The rest, I think would be nice. I'm in a strange season of change yet again, and feeling distant even from 'who I am.' I thought perhaps it might be nice to sit and think again about the things I've always been drawn to and loved. I know little of who I am, and even less of who I will someday 'need' or the way I hope that process unfolds. I know very little- that is what I know.

And with that, I am sitting at Starbucks, filling out my Cambridge application... praying that the Lord would put His desires in my heart, and make me excited about what He gets excited about- both in the grand scale, and in the personal details of my life.

1 comment:

Erin said...

*Like* =)