Monday, November 14, 2011

Needing to figure out where I want to go...I've been feeling lately like I've been drifting a bit.  There's a level of trusting, and then there's a level of letting yourself just... yes, drift.  I don't want to be a drifter, I don't want to lose sight of the fights I'm called to and the person I was created to be.  This thought has been growing in me, and with it a new question of what and who.  And now, it's starting to feel pretty heated up.  Last week brought some questions at work of what I really want to be doing there.  And now, even more the questions and decisions are coming.  And I'm a bit scared of making the wrong decisions.  Neither A or B or C look exactly like a dream - but which could lead me there? 

Do any of you remember the scene in The Labyrinth where she has to pick between the two doors, and they are both talking to her and confusing her?  One leads right where she needs to go, and the other to the bog of unbearable stench.  She picks the wrong door. 

I feel a bit like I'm standing there listening to two doors mumble on at me and play with my head. 

And life is definitely feeling a bit like a labyrinth lately.  (Minus David Bowie, Jennifer Connelly's eye brows and an awesome cast of Henson puppets.)

I'm grateful for choices.  I'm grateful that the Lord has always opened a door for me.  And I'm grateful that perhaps change is finally here.  But I don't want to miss out by moving too quick.  I guess, I want to find what's best, not just what's easiest (or even what's best paid).  Where am I called to be for this next year of my life?  What is most likely going to open the next door?

I don't want to get stuck.  I don't want to drift.  I want to be faithful, hard working, and spirit led. 

So yes, that is where I am.  Evaluating again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Poor Jason hated Labyrinth. I freakin love that movie ;-) I dare ya to bring it out at Christmas and say we're going to watch it as a family...hee hee.