Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Day after Christmas - Family Book Day
A couple years ago my parents gave us a 'family gift.' As our final Christmas present we each got to pick out a book at Barnes and Noble. To a family of bibliophiles, this was a great gift. The day after Christmas we drove over and spread out around the store, each quietly wandering until we found our perfect read. This year, we did it again, only we decided to head to the Elliott Bay Book Co. on Capitol Hill. I'm pretty sure we all found our books a lot quicker this year, which some could hold the smaller size of the store accountable for. I however believe it was due to the excellent display of the books. I added 10 books to me iPhone "book list."

After, we stopped at Oddfellows Cafe for a quick brunch. None of my family had been there, and I feel a bit poorly that their first taste was of lunch (which turned out to be only okay) rather than the delicious breakfast they're known for.

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