Tomorrow is opening day for the month of LOVE!
Love is in the air, everywhere I look around
No really, it pretty much is, lol. I had a lot of fun last night looking for songs that had to do with love, and certainly isn't hard. I was a little bummed because the two songs I had in mind and most wanted to post (actually three when you include L-O-V-E by Nat King Cole), either didn't work on the site, or weren't even an option. I really wanted to put "The Man I Love" by Billie Holiday and "I Enjoy Being a Girl" by Doris Day. They are both fun songs, and seemed appropriate for a single girl, such as myself, in this Valentine month. :)

I must say, I haven't hit the age yet where you become depressed once February 1st because you are single....I hope I NEVER hit that, regardless of how long I remain single. I still LOVE finding a card on my desk from my dad, and another (lately with a starbucks card!) from my mom. It will probably get harder in the coming years, with elise already getting married in less than two months, and certainly more of my friends entering the same path...
I went out to coffee a couple weeks ago with one of the coolest women, if you ask me! She's one of our amazing single ladies (one we are all praying an amazing mans come for soon!!) And we were having such a fun time talking about being young single women, what a gift it really is. Sometimes I actually get a little scared, because I DO enjoy it and part of me can see God creating me to be single forever. I've actually told the Lord that I would be willing to stay single if he used me to really change the world- to be a Mother Teresa, or "the saint" from The Great Divorce, or a Mercy.
...and then I remember how much I LOVE to have my hair played with, or my back rubbed, how handsome men are, how much I love to be led (truly- I do), how much I love hugs...and how many dreams I have of being a wife and mother...and I figure God has put those dreams in me too for a reason.

So now, I get to run hard, go to school, work lots, meet awesome women for coffee, have dinner with my favorite couples, cuddle with my mom and dad on the couch, be crazy silly with my sisters, travel to Italy (right dad? heehee), learn what it means to Love God unreservedly, and how to love all you sinners ;) I get to reach out to my campus by striking up conversations with people I'm standing behind in line, or sitting next to in class. I get to read HOURS of homework, and challenge myself in my writing. I get to run to the Academy after work and meet some of my favorite girl friends for lunch before they go to youth group. I get to spend time with older women who have more stories to share then I can hope to have in my 90's, who have lived through wars and great adventures, loved husbands unselfishly, and raised children courageously. I can stay up late, reading in bed, hearing new things in the words of the Bible I know I've read before but never heard that way, or starting a new book, or purusing an old favorite, or writing my own. I get to spend my time with little children who are not my own, but are such treasures, and make me smile and laugh more than almost any other time! All these opportunities to learn Love, to become who Christ is, so that I can see the people around me transformed through Love.

I get to run hard and not grow weary, I get to dream dreams, I get to spend my time, and I get to waste myself on Him and all His plans for us two (or four?) right now.
These are exciting times, don't you think?
Hmm, what DOES (3 in 1)+ 1 = ???? 2? 4? or 4 in 1?