Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I'm pretty sure everyone of you can draw back to some memory and connect with what I am feeling now. I am sitting in my Economics class,
completely lost.

As I usually am. I've been here for almost two hours now, and I have no idea any of what he's saying. We started the class off with a quiz, which I had studied for. There were 4 points, I think I got 1. :(

It doesn't help that he speaks with a strong accent that makes it SO difficult to decipher one word from the next. He is very good at speaking english, very...but it's like he places the accent on the wrong syllable or something. Have you ever heard those people who speak English, like Italian or Spanish? That's what its like, if I tuned out, I'd think he was speaking in tongues, even though it's composed of english.

Plus, Total value, market value, consumer surplus, and all the charts and weird symbols (which he never explained to begin with, I don't think- then again there have been a lot of words I haven't understood). Income elestic demand? what?

Yep...lost. And I need this type of credit, plus we are too late now to try to transfer. Lord, give me grace to understand this....and to understand his english.

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