Friday, January 04, 2008

Happy New Years!

With the new year comes new resolutions for many :) My sister Kris pointed out to me last week that I had left a list of my resolutions for last year on her blog...and that I had done most all of them. I was so excited to go read them. Here's what my resolutions were for last year:

New years resolutions:

1. turn 20...I am really aiming for this one.

2. pay off MCs (Lets see if I can walk in your shoes and pay it off within the year)

3. save up for a down payment for a new car

4. complete 45 credits and become a better writer

5. visit Nashville at least once. (summer 07)

6. spend time more regularly with the Lord (make worship, study, and prayer the foundation of my life in reality!)

7. begin discipling someone the Lord leads me to

YEP. and buy a rockin laptop..thats my icing on the cake. Oh, and find those really close girl friends (the ones in addition to my bestest sisters ever!)

So, those were my resolutions for '07. Sadly, I still have not paid off MCs completely...but that is SOON to come. I turned 20, received 45 credits, visited Nashville, spent more time with the Lord, began discipling someone (I LOVE) who the Lord lead me to, bought my lovely MacBook, and I gained some more close girl friends.

Now, I am praying about my resolutions for '08. They are soon to follow... :)

What are yours?

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