Friday, January 21, 2011

Long (amazing) day ahead.

Waking up has been soooo hard this week. I set my alarm for 5:45am, and got out of bed an hour later. I'm not normally like this.

Started a pot of coffee (yes, it was going to be one of those days I could tell already, coffee to make it to work!), sorted laundry, threw in a load of whites. Hopped in the shower.

My shower must be a time warp. I'm an unusually quick showerer (for females). This morning, I wasn't.

After getting dressed, and getting a cup of coffee, I returned to collect all my things for the day, and triple check the list I made last night through a series of 'get out of bed and write that one down too or I'll forget!'... "Oh yeah, my crimper! I better write that down too!"

I rounded up my bags and brought them to the stairs, and then returned to fill up for a second cup for the drive. Only, I couldn't find the coffee pot. After checking a few other spots.... I opened the fridge. Yep. There was the coffee pot, right beside my creamer.

Second cup ready (hoping this will get my mind going). Search for my keys a little more (they weren't where I normally put them). My car key is seperate, so I brought out a load and started the car. Running back inside for the second load, I hear something jingle. Sounded remarkably likes keys. Yep, in my pocket. I'd checked my coat pocket, but I'd apparently dropped them in my sweatshirt pocket before even putting on my jacket.

Got the second load, locked the door. I put my cell in my purse, right? I remembered dropping it in there, but today would not be a good day to forget. Can't spot it. Back in the house.. not on my bed. Must be in my purse or... one of the 5 bags in my car. Back to the car- mom's calling my cell. Yep, in my purse.

By now, I'm running late. Not much, but about 10 minutes. Next, bad traffic. I take the express lanes. Almost an hour later, I hit my exit... only, somehow, I don't. Because my actual exit (Columbia) is a carpool exit form the express lanes, and somehow I missed Stewart (something to do with the accident that had all the lanes stopped for most my drive). I ended up exiting the next exit, which was right before West Seattle Bridge.

I finally roll into the office, only 9 minutes late remarkably, and walk back to my bosses office (since there is a note tapped to my screen that says "Katrina- see me 1st thing. ...!" He's chewing out Kristin over some little thing about the way she printed his schedule off. I think, 'wow, this is a good day.'

At least I got a lovely tour of downtown Seattle this morning, winding my way down the busy morning streets all the way from Lander and the warehouses.

No, but really, the day is getting better. My boss apologized and seems in a better mood. My mind is struggling to awake (2 cups of drip and a 3 shot grande later). Larry has me working on some large project, creating all his binders for a new case he just took over. Not a day to have your mind numb.

My thoughts: Oh Lord, grace!

1 comment:

Kristin Kelly said...

Haha. I like that you had this day. Because I have this day most days. High stress jobs added to a busy life generally results in loss of mental clarity and overall function. : ) Welcome.