Saturday, April 09, 2011

A couple more dream images for designing my one day home.

This kitchen is a dream! Granted, I know those floors would be a nightmare for cleaning... but this look is incredible! And I LOVE the spiral stairs. And I DREAM of having some massive brick wall in my home, add large windows and it's a done deal.
(But I could do without the blue floors- and the entire interior decoration really)

I'd love this chair-- right now. (I'd take the light too!)


Unknown said...

Ahhhhh, I love how practical you are about cleaning the floors :-)

Actually, they look to be rustic enough that you might get away with just hosing them off!

Unknown said...

Oh and FYI (you blogging maniac), you could share the love and visit MY BLOG ONCE IN A WHILE & LEAVE A COMMENT ;-P