Friday, December 16, 2011


I finished The Woman in White (finally!) last night.  If you're up for a long (good) read, I highly recommend it.  It's an older novel written by Wilkie Collins and listed as one of the Guardian's Top 100 Novels.  I highly enjoyed every single minute of it over the past couple months.  (To ease your concerns: Madison Unger read it in 3 days, so it was more my slow reading speed, my affair with a couple other books, and a very busy season of life that made it quite so long a read for me.)  It is a very intriguing mystery in a very non-noir way.  : )


Rosemary said...

Lets hurry up ant get 27 done so Rosie can have it :)


Rosemary said...


Up is Better, Wide-Angled Lens said...

yeah finish 27 so we can watch some movies!

Up is Better, Wide-Angled Lens said...

oops my moms logged in! above comment is me :) -morgan ps. also this commen