Friday, December 16, 2011

As smart as Facebook is supposedly getting, why can't it recognize song lyrics and workout descriptions, and delete both from my feed?

You might not believe this when you consider how random and ridiculous I can be... but I have rules and boundaries.  Two things I don't include in status updates: exercise routines and song lyrics (I used to share whatever ditty was in my head, and I'm tempted all the time! But I usually tell myself, "No!" One exception: if you're AT a concert.)

PS, Blogging... I can.  You choose to come here, it's like entering my home.  Telling me I can't post song lyrics would be like telling me I can't paint my living room walls blue.  ;)  Still, I do try to not post obnoxious entries about how many minutes I was on the treadmill today.  But that's because I want you to like me... and because it's more fun to post blurry photos taken from the treadmill. Love you. Mean it.


Kimberlee Rankin said...

workout description??? porque?

Katrina Hope said...

Beacuse I think workouts are a bit like the gospel, they should be shown much more than said. If people can't tell... you probably don't have a reason to talk. I dunno. I just could go without some people's daily post "Great cardio this morning, now off to work, then pilades when I get home." YAY! Thanks for sharing! Glad I know that. (hehehe. I'm a brat, I know.)