Wednesday, August 15, 2012

It's easy to start complaining.  Lately, I've been realizing I'm "annoyable."  By a lot of things I don't want to be.  I've suddenly realized my inner conversation has begun to sound something like a garbage disposal.  And I'm choosing to change that.  I used to be pretty unaffendable and I wasn't bothered by a lot.  I'm going to be like that again now.  Not sure how or when it happened, but I think it's our natural tendency to drift toward it.  You hear people complaining all day long and you start to replicate it too.  Gas is expensive.  People are lazy.  Politicians are crooks.  Bosses are unappreciative.  Friends are entitled.  And on and on as it circles in to your personal lives and syphons out your gratefulness, joy and compassion. 

This week, I've been making a choice to replace complaints with gratefulness.  I don't want to become the woman who's impossible to please and easy to annoy.  I want to be the one others feel ease and comfort around.  And I know that starts with my own thoughts, in my own inner conversation. 

I want to always see beauty - where others may miss it.  Those who grumble and complain are those who are most blind to all the lovely and worthy things and people around them. 

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