Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Rule 5:  By the time you realize you need a haircut, everyone else has, too.
"Figure out how long you should go between haircuts. (Hint: This interval will shorten as you grow older. Just ask Gary Busey.) Schedule them in advance—every 6 weeks, or whatever works for your hair. If you wait until you need one, then you're walking around looking like you need one.  And masculine style is about looking like you don't need anything."

I was looking through an article a friend posted and this line caught me.  Is masculine style really all about looking like you don't need anything?  I could see the validity in that.  Interesting concept to consider - what guys will do to look like they don't need to do anything.  Leads to two predominant styles I would think: the rugged unkempt look or the chic trimmed look.  Right?  Both could be different takes on this.  And I can see the virtue in both because I think women are in fact attracted to that quality of competence in a man, that virtue that communicates they don't need anything.  But all too often, it becomes more of a tangible seeking of style and manliness that leaks into their conversation and their sideways glances at reflections and let me tell you... all attractiveness is lost.  I love men's fashion.  I love having a reason lately to sneak into men's grooming shops and boutiques and peruse all sorts of manly little gadgets like straight edge razors and colognes.  But I especially love meeting men who don't fuss over their looks, style and body.  That is attractive.  I like standing next to a guy who's smiling at my outfit, not his in the window over my shoulder. 

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