Monday, September 10, 2012

My weekend looked a bit like this:  dinner with the entire amazing Rankin family Friday night (they had to kick us out at midnight - quite literally).  Saturday morning was filled with errands, a yard sale, Yakima fruit stand, and picking plums off the tree in my mom's yard.  Then I got to spend the rest of the day with Morgs, Erik and John.

 They are 10 sometimes.  ^  And I rather enjoy it.

Sunday we grabbed brunch and coffee together in the afternoon (the 10 year olds and I) at Irwin's.  We sipped Stumptown lattes from porcelain mugs.  And as we walked out John made some surprised note about me not Instagraming the leaves.  Of course, then I had to.  Sunday, it was fall.  We went from brunch to golf dates - me with my good friends Theresa & Kathryn and the fellas with one of John's college friends.  That's right - more golfing. :) 

It was a lovely weekend, until I got a text about one of my favorite baby girls being in the ER. We spent the rest of Sunday night (and a chunk of the morning) at the Rowles watching Fin. Please pray for sweet Sailor, she is in surgery right now.

Other notes:  I renewed my lease on the boyfriend for the fall.  I was really proud of my decision too when a short while later he managed to download an app that turns your phone into a Roku remote, then hacked into the Rowles Roku in essence by manually guessing IP addresses until he got it.  Their Roku remote went missing a few weeks ago.  Finleigh is currently the primary suspect.  With the Roku newly accessible, I was introduced to Downtown Abbey.  I know, I know, you've all been telling me to watch it - well, I finally did. :)  And I get it.  Three episodes in, and I'm pretty hooked. 

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