Thursday, May 06, 2010

I think running opens my heart. :) 

Or maybe it just forces me to stop doing everything else for a while- and listen, and process. Whatever the case, I find it incredible that exercising makes our entire body and spirit and soul seem better- it makes us well. I find it incredible that God created us that way- to be most alive in this strange activity that combines labor, play and rest... and that there, He speaks to my heart and opens up new thoughts to my mind. 

I can let go when I run. I can trust Him. I can accept that I can't do it- but that in my weakness, He will be strong for me. 

Today, I finally got something: I am faithful, not because I am faithful. I am faithful, because He lives in me and through me- and He is faithful

His love never fails. So trust. He will win this battle when the day is done. 

1 comment:

Madison Alexis said...

So funny. When I was running the other day, I had the same thought. I think it is our spirit commanding over our body or beating our flesh. I don't know?