Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Last night was one of the funniest nights I've had in a while.

People do not know how funny my parents are. And unfortunately, I'm not allowed to tell you.

But yes, hilarious. My mom made a delicious dinner, stuffed peppers (so pretty too!), grilled asparagus (my favorite! Kristin's too!), and a bottle of cabernet (also, my favorite!). Mom, Kris and I sat and laughed for well over an hour. [us three at Kristin's birthday last December]
Then, after much egging on of each other, Kris and I took off for Hot Yoga. (Oh my! I've never sweat so much in my life! I didn't even put my dirty clothes in the hamper with the other dirty clothes- because they seemed a whole new category of dirty!). But not before Kristin informed me that my 'spandex' shorts I offered her, were actually mens underwear. So she says. Regardless, I love them, and I wore them proudly through Mill Creek Town Center, laughing aloud to myself. They are the best exercise "shorts" ever.

As most of you know, I grew up calling my underwear my "boys" (if you don't, ask me the story and I might tell it- or ask Kristin and I promise you she will tell it, and probably way funnier than me) so this little episode was all the more funny to us.

Oh family. You love them, you sometimes hide them, but ultimately, you can't help but pee your pants laughing at them... (oh, is that just me? *embarassing*). I love how funny my family is.

I've been thinking the past couple weeks, as I'm feeling who "I" am undergoing a lot of change, returning, adjusting, remembering, that there is definitely a side of me that only my family gets to see... and while to some measure it will probably stay that way, perhaps that side of me should be allowed a bit more freedom to be.

Or, on second thought, perhaps not. lol.

(This post alone, was me deciding to share a bit more of what typically just my family, and perhaps a few others, have to put up with. :)


Kristin Kelly said...

You left out the funniest parts of the night but okay. : P

Katrina Hope said...

I have no idea what you're talking about? ;)

"You just don't know where it's going to go at first."

*insert image of katrina, with safety goggles on, peaking around a shower curtain.. "okay, go"

And I'm not allowed to post mom's comments.. they always get mad at me for quoting them on here lol!!

Twin, twins. Not this month, I'm planning our children's personalities!