Friday, October 21, 2011

“If the Beast was ugly on the exterior and had a heart of gold, Gaston was wonderful and beautiful and handsome on the exterior and had the heart of a pig.” - Don Hahn, producer of Beauty and the Beast

This quote reminds me why we love fairy tales (and especially Beauty & the Beast), they remind us to look past appearances.  It's not just that 'dreams do come true', but it's that beauty can be found where least expected and social classes and stigmas aren't to be trusted.  Don't cross people off on a first glance, or first meeting.   They might surprise you yet.  Diamonds don't grow on tree tops and usually the apples that fall into your lap are already rotten.  Train yourself to see, and begin by learning where to look.  That's why we love fairy tales, especially as girls.  It feeds our hope that the right guy will see, he'll no where to look, and he won't be scared away no matter how many witches, dwarfs or crazy backwoods boys he has to overcome, be it even our own apparent sleep.

Where love lives, death can't be the end.


1 comment:

Cami said...

love this kati! :)