Thursday, October 13, 2011

This week. Via Steph.

I don't believe in seeking your horoscope for guidance, but I must say, I do think there is a lot more unity to the universe than we get. I believe God created the world, us and the constellations and it seems like Him to me to hide certain mysteries in them. So when I get these weekly little notes of what someone thinks the "universe" is saying, I have to smile when I see little truths and connections. I think the universe declares His glory, and since it's waiting in eager expectation for the sons and daughters of God to be revealed, I think it might know a bit more about those sons and daughters than they currently know of themselves. The danger's in divination. Do not worry about me, because the thing is, I don't have to seek the stars or someones interpretation of them... I can go straight to the Creator.

Those are my thoughts on it. And I love getting this weekly treat from Steph. Not to mention, whoever the guy who writes these things is, I'm pretty sure he's a creative writing major, because his descriptions are hilarious and awesome. It's like a little literary truffle.

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