Wednesday, May 09, 2012

I miss my sister's eyes.  I actually miss all of her.  Can't wait until I get to see her.  She is such a beautiful woman.  I've learned a lot from her - watching her fight for what others may never have to.  Learning that courage is more often a moment by moment choice than a one-time action. Sometimes, it's just not letting your heart give up.  And more often than not, our greatest battles are never known by others, and often misread.  I love who my sister is.  I love how she never gives up. I love how she continues to allow the Lord to transform her, and her husband to challenge her, and her family to know her.

Have I said it here before, I hope at least one of my children has eyes like hers. I suppose I have. Oh well, I hope they do. :)

Yeah, I know that's not my sister - I'm assuming you were able to make the connection - I saw this photo this morning and Kate Bosworth always makes me think of my oldest sis. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my word. That was the sweetest post ever. Thank you so much Little One for the kind words. I MISS YOU TOO!!!! I hope one of us (or maybe all of us!) gets a child with 2 different colored eyes ;-)

Love you.