Wednesday, May 09, 2012

One of my goals for this year was to write a short story every week.  I knew this was ridiculously ambitious, seeing as I've probably written less than five complete short stories in my life.  But I wanted to go at it hard.  And I did.  For three weeks. 

It's had me thinking though, there's a certain power that someone truly believing in you can bring. As a writer, it's those who have read your work, even just pieces and call it good.  And not just that, but somehow actually believe that you will accomplish what you've hoped to - what you've set out to. 

There a small handful of those people in my life and they mean the world to me.  But, I think there also grows to be a certain stagnation, where they've been waiting to see you do it and haven't yet, that they stop expecting it right now.  They still think it will happen one day, just as much as you do, if not more.  But there isn't the same sense of excitement and expectation.

But when someone has first begun to believe in you - it's like a charge.  And I'm realizing it's a charge I don't want to waste.  I want to do something worthwhile while the expectation is still in the air - before like all the others - they've come to know the wait. The long wait.  The not right now wait. Before they become part of the someday believers, I want to write something beautiful and make it matter.

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