Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I went swing dancing last night with some Blueberries (thank you again Erik for planning that!) and it was fantastic.  I've done very little swing dancing in the last few years and I'd forgotten how fun it is.  In fact, I have been doing West Coast all along (except for when dancing with my mom, who always turned everything into triple steps lol) and have had trouble adjusting to East Coast and Lindy, but I want to learn both soooo bad. Especially Lindy.  Suffice to say, I was out until almost 2am, and up by 6:30am. And I would be whining, except I was greeted by one of the most delicious iced vanilla lattes from my definite favorite coffee shop, made by arguably the greatest barista in the state, and delivered by one of the greatest people I know.  I have a surprise at lunch that I can hardly wait for, and tonight is Blueberries night.  I am sure I will be hurting a bit at points, but I am so beyond happy about this day. 

In other news, I'm in a wedding at the end of June and another in the start of August.  And naturally, I'm a girl, and would like to look my finest for it.  I've also had a dangerous run lately with carbs, cookies, and some truly fine cocktails.  Add to that some injuries that kept me from the gym for a month and..... there is work to be done.  (Shut your mouths and keep your comments to yourselves.)  It isn't easy work though when your sister starts your day with emails about incredible pastries and desserts she's been making for small group and entire photo montages of what she's going to try next, with delicious descriptive words that put English majors in sugar crazes.

And lastly, I just spotted this photo on Facebook this morning.  It has been far too long since I've cuddled this doll.  Her mom and dad have both celebrated another birthday. And she's definitely grown an inch at least.  I hate seeing her as rarely as I do!  :(  Auri Bliss I miss your crazy dancing and giggles bunches!


kaylee@life chasers said...

Whose wedding in August?

Katrina Hope said...

Emily Kuffner & Allan Olson. :)