Friday, January 29, 2010

Free-Write Friday

There was a couple kissing on the steps of one of the buildings this morning... it would have been cute if it were a photo. It wasn't, and it wasn't cute.

I do happen to own the original Nintendo (the same one we've had since we were little), and I did happen to own in a little unexpected original mario-ing last night. ;)

Extra Credit = write my name down on that list! Every extra credit opportunity I am so doing... and this quarter I have a lot of them. I was at one last night, I'll be writing another one this weekend (perhaps today), and all the rest of the quarter :)

Yesterday I organized my entire gmail inbox from the past 2 years. I deleted tons and organized the remaining into folders of friends, homegroup, discipleship, school, personal, work, recipes, etc. :) It was incredibly exciting.

I am on campus SO much these days. Sheesh.

[A second installment of Free-Thoughts]

WHAT IS UP WITH IT? I am sitting in the UVillage Starbucks just now. I look up and directly in front of me, right outside the window are two people kissing. Not cute kissing. Kinda sick kissing... perhaps it's only sick kissing because they look like they are 14. Maybe it is just me and all kissing is sick kissing today. It's like its Spring or something, goodness people!!

You should know, I'm traditionally the type to "Aww" over a cute couple walking along holding hands, sharing an umbrella or a sweet kiss. But it's like the sick-kissers are out in full force and are strategically placing themselves in MY WAY today... the ones you know probably shouldn't be allowed to kiss because they are so awkward and needy and BLAH.

I moved seats.

Now they just did too. This is like a joke. They just changed seats so I can once again see them, and they both faced the window. Hold on, let me check for a camera..... nope, I'm not being Punk'd.

Well, I have a soy chai latte, a book, some good oldies playing over the speakers, and it's dusk, my favorite time of the day... pardon me while I escape this world (and the awkward kissers outside my window) for a spell.


kaylee@life chasers said...

hahaha! You crack me up. but agreed, sick kissing is gross.
And I should come be with you sometime while you are there. What about the first week in March? I know that is a little ways out there but life is crazy until then.

Abigail Renae said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! omg Kati. I took a drink of water and choked/spit everywhere reading the end part of that post. That was EXACTLY like having a conversation with you. Amazing. Amazing amazing amazing. haha <3