Sunday, March 14, 2010

I'm going through my cabinet where I keep supplies, looking for a blue book (a little blue notebook you buy for exam-style tests), and this pretty much fell into my lap... quite literally. I'd looked everywhere for all my MC cds over the past few months... just found them. And I found my notebooks. I opened one up and just started flipping through quickly. This page jumped out to me, and it wasn't until after I finished it that I realized this is March. Oh Lord.

"March is not the month of abandonement, it is not the month people leave- it is the month of purification, sanctification. March is your invitation, Katrina. Leave, let go, draw near to Me. I love you this much. You are my own, my very own. My chosen one."

It appears it is something the Lord spoke to me in worship on March 3, 2006. Chuck Pierce spoke that night, and here are some of his notes.

Knowing how to end one season and start another season is very important at this time.

First fruits; when they start giving me their best, I will bless their whole bunch.

Quit worrying about all the weaknesses you have, let God use them on your behalf.

Generation under 30- you are on a fast track- all you have to do is carch the wave God has you on and let Him move you into your position.... Listen carefully, your life is about to change! God's eye is on you, get ready to receive a major rearranging in this area, in your life! ... the next generation in this area is creating a movement.

Then Dutch shared:
'Seasons of restoration' chronos- general times of restoration of all things. And Kiros moments.

You are going to open up the gates- some of those gates are points in the past you have to go back and heal and then His purposes are released - there is a covenantal gate open to Him then. You are going to go back and heal those breaches through repentance, intercession, and applying the blood... some breaches from 30 and 40 years ago!

Healing history - get it healed where the blessing of God can flow through!

Grab hold, because He is going to move you quickly- grab hold, quit striving, you are on the way to your promise now!

March 4, 2006

Chuck Pierce:

You are coming full circle and on the verge of completing a major season in your life... Do not back up! Break past your old cycles!

You want to grab hold of the things you need.

Breaking cycles, and breaking into the new. This isn't an easy year, but this year God is giving grace to break through!

Keep embracing the sounds God brings into your area, otherwise you'll get stuck. Sounds bring change.

Learn to embrace what He's embracing because He's breaking old cycles!

God's trying to change us- just take what/who He brings to you!


Wow! it just keeps going! I share this not because you know just how remarkably it aligns with what the Lord has been speaking to my heart (from the scripture, from friends, and just in whispers), but because I think it might align with what He is speaking to you as well.. I have a feeling.

It is remarkable how true a work can be on the day it is spoken, and how it can become even more true it seems, 5 years later. Oh Lord- make sure this word gets totally worked through in me- don't let me miss one drop of what is in it!

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