Sunday, March 07, 2010

Book Recommendation:


By Amy Rachel Peterson

I'm only about 100 pages in (and have book club tonight- whoops), but this book is ministering so deeply to me. Cami selected it for our book club and I couldn't be more grateful. Though fictionally fashioned, the book is a rendering of Via Perpetua's life based on her journals. I want to get my hands on her journals so badly now! At the age of twenty-two she was martyred in Carthage, along with 5 other Christians. I'm seeing Jesus anew in so many beautiful ways. I'm beginning to even thirst a little for persecution. The little things that I call suffering seem so petty, but at the same time, this book manages to convince you that it's not.

He must increase, but I must decrease. What a joy I have to be both Your bride and Your friend, who rejoices when You find the bride. Help me rejoice in all You have joy in, even if to me it is a painful act of suffering, of decreasing. If it brings You joy, let it bring me joy, I whispered in my heart. (Perpetua, 112)

Sometimes, she echoes the words in my own heart, for just two weeks ago I began repeating in my heart, "What brings You glory brings me joy." And more of the time, it reveals the huge lack in me. Last week at Bible Study we read the Beatitudes. I'm so grateful for the way of the Lord- for WHO He is. He always supplies a way. In the Beatitudes, He lists all these blessings of these astounding character qualities, that just get better and better. But which of those qualities can I really, undoubtably claim that I own? It's then that I can claim the first of them at least: I am poor in Spirit. And from there, He works in us to add the others... always a process, but thankfully He is faithful to complete the work He's begun. This is my peace (though I let myself lose it far too commonly).

(Here's a link to a biography of Saint Perpetua)


Ashley said...

Wait, you are in a book club with cami?!
I have SO wanted to join a book club!!
That is so cool, haha.
Perpetua sounds great too!! =)

Katrina Hope said...

Ashley, you should join us! There are about 8 of us in it I think. We officially call ourselves "A Book Club: Of the female version." Tonight we met at 15th Ave Coffee & Tea and it was an excellent evening. Talk to Cami!

Love you!