Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[Believe it or not, I did not write this list.   TKOW did.   I seem to be liking her blogs more and more lately.  There's some things in there my little Romantic dreamy mind will probably steal away for my own someday lists.  Megs and I played this game once, and it ended up being one of many of my favorite times together.  Taking turns sharing ideal dates.  It's probably nothing special to the majority of girls, but to us, it was a blast to dream and giggle aloud together about all the special and semi-common things we're going to relish when our one days become today.  -Katrina]


Dates I think about planning…. eventually.

I am single, but that does not stop me from planning kick ass dates in a future world where I have a future honey that enjoys the same things I do.
  1. Gun range.
  2. Professional Stunt Driving lessons (Yeah, if and when I am made of money)
  3. Scavenger hunts in a big city library.
  4. Woolrich outlet store in Woolrich, Pa
  5. MMA classes
  6. Sailing
  7. Drive in movies with a homemade dinner
  8. Dance lessons
  9. Playing with nieces, nephews, cousins, any little kids. There is just something great about getting back to the care free attitude with little ones.
  10. Kickball guys verse girls.
  11. Never ending tally of thumb wars. Just pick up where we left off ex. 32-21, in your favor, for now.
  12. Music festivals. Newport Folk Fest especially.
  13. Laying around watching movies and eating bacon.
  14. Laying around and reading the same book.
  15. Flea market, each go in with $20 separate and haggle for the best present for the other person.
  16. Go to the local arcade and play any of the games with the gun controllers, take a nearly endless supply of quarters and snacks.
  17. Make things. Bookshelves, bed frames, tables, anything.
  18. Get dressed up and sight see. Be a tourist.
  19. Paintball.
  20. You teach me something, I teach you something. I teach you how to bake french bread, you teach me how to tie special crazy knots.

1 comment:

Kristin Kelly said...

I have done 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, and 18 as well as half of 7 and 20. : )